CBD or THC? Which one is right for me?
You may be wondering what is best for you, CBD, THC, or THC-A? First off, what is CBD? Canabidiol or aka CBD is arguably the most beneficial compound within cannabis.
There is many beneficial compounds within hemp including but not limited to DELTA-9 THC, THC-A, THC-V, DELTA-8 THC, THC-V, CBC, CBD, CBD-A, CBD-V, CBD-VA, CBG, CBG-A, CBL-A, CBN, and CBN-A, are a few of the hundreds of compounds with in cannabis; there are 66 defined cannabinoids within the plant!
So you may be wondering, how are cannabinoids so relieving and therapeutic, how can it possibly help so many issues? The thing is that CBD is a cannabinoid and cannabinoids help to balance your bodies homeostasis through your endocannabinoid system. Homeostasis is the regulating or balance of your moods, sleeping, and eating habits. Certain things that can throw off our bodies homeostasis are stress, poor diet, poor sleeping habits, even just aging. Cannabinoids are so beneficial because your body naturally accepts them into its natural endocannabinoid system. Many complications are associated with an out of balance endocannabinoid system since it is tied within our nervous system and controls basically every aspect of everything we do in life from sleeping, to eating, to moods, and even thoughts. Think of cannabinoids as a compliment to your body's natural system, not an amendment or change like most prescriptions, but complementary to your body's natural system which can often be off balance due to our fast passed life, high stresses, and or poor diet. One thing many doctors don't tell you is what could cause the complications you're having, they often prescribed an antidote but will never tell you the actual cause which can often be as simple as an out of balance endocannabinoid system from a poor diet, lack of exercise or sleep, or a high stressful environment. Our bodies are similar to plants, whereas they need a well-rounded source of vitamins and minerals to be at peak performance; neglecting any one can potentially have a domino effect which complicates health.
Many of our health complications can be associated with our lifestyle and diet. We learned that doctors would often rather give a said antidote than a solution. We think this is due to the money hungry pharmaceutical companies that promote their drugs which actually amend our systems and do not complement them, such as cannabinoids. There is a reason your body sweats and shakes, has poor bowel movements, or you just plain does not feel good after taking certain prescriptions; this is your body rejecting the foreign substances that amend or change your natural system! Know that any foreign substance you put into your body that which does not desire it has to work extra hard to expel. That includes prescriptions and even additives in food such as dyes and preservatives. You may be surprised of all of the extra stuff in our food that our body does not need, your body has to work extra hard to get rid of these foreign substances, and the extra work that your organs are doing can lead to certain health complications listed above.
We believe less is more, and the less ingredients you can put into an item to make it work or taste good then the better it is for your body and the less your body has to work to remove any foreign substances that may be in there. This is why we do not use unnecessary additives in any of our hemp products. We know what quality comes from and it is nature! We use 100% natural ingredients and zero unnecessary additives!
Okay, now do we dare to try to touch the topic on any of the other defined cannabinoids within cannabis and hemp? Well, in short, the main ingredient is THC; you have delta-8 THC, Delta-9 THC, THC-A, and THC-V. delta-9 THC is said to be what is responsible in cannabis for the high. THC-A is the acidic version of THC which is non-psychoactive in its dry form. But... this is where is gets good, THC-A, when heated decarboxylates and converts into delta-9 THC and can give certain high-like effects. Delta-9 THC is what the hemp law was written on for a dry weight based material that has not yet been heated. THC-V is similar to THC but it is very exhilarating and short-lived; it is the said to be sports car of cannabis since it gives racy speedy effects. THC compounds can be very relieving for certain brain disorders, more so than CBD. So to avoid what could be days of reading we will just say it like this; THC for the brain and CBD for the pain. THC can be much more sedative than CBD, and too much THC can lead to negative side effects such as paranoia and anxiety. CBD can relieve these negative side effects associated with cannabis. The most noticeable negative side effect of too much CBD is drowsiness.
Guess the kicker though? All cannabis has very low levels of delta-9 THC, often 0%, maybe 2-3% with strong cannabis, but never the advertised 20+ percentages. Well why or how is this so? In the lab cannabis material is most prevalent in the said non-psychoactive acidic for knows as THC-A, places advertise that as THC since they know a high THC level will sell their products. Remember though that when you heat THC-A it converts to delta-9 THC. So congress has made much of cannabis legal or definable as hemp under the new 2019 Hemp laws!
So there it is! Your CBD/THC run down! Remember, there are many other beneficial compounds in cannabis/hemp which can alter the effects; things like terpenoids which are responsible for the scents and flavors, and do alter effects. Remember that Delta-9 THC is a cannabinoid and also the only federally regulated compound within cannabis/hemp. Make sure you're going to be consuming what will work best for you! CBD is arguably the most beneficial compound within cannabis which is often not even found within cannabis! The answer is hemp!